30 September 2021

CEO of RocketVax, Dr. Vladimir Cmiljanovic, spoke to RTS about the development of a second-generation SARS-CoV-2 vaccine

“The research team of the company ‘Swiss Rockets‘ is working on a vaccine based on a weakened coronavirus,” explains the guest of the ‘Morning program’, Dr. Vladimir Cmiljanovic.

“It will be a second-generation vaccine that, unlike the first-generation vaccines, such as the mRNA or the Oxford and Russian vaccines, which have only spike protein as the main component of the coronavirus, has all the coronavirus proteins, which is very important for our immune system and long-term protection.”

Dr. Vladimir Cmiljanovic, CEO of RocketVax, spoke to Serbian Broadcasting Corporation about the development of a second-generation SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, RVX-13.

To see the full interview, watch the video below:

Source: RTS